5 results for 'UHMW'

    What Are Common Plastics Used in Material Handling/Conveying(Post)

    Material handling and conveying is a speedy process. For a business to operate at its full ability, it’s necessary for handling and conveying to occur as fast as possible. This speed is only po ...

    Learn more about ACM Fabrication and Applications(Post)

    Many businesses are required to produce massive inventory at high rates of speed. This necessity puts extensive pressure on machine shops to get the job done effectively and quickly. For this to happ ...

    What Plastics Are Used In Machine Shops? (Post)

    Many businesses are required to produce massive inventory at high rates of speed. This necessity puts extensive pressure on machine shops to get the job done effectively and quickly. For this to happ ...

    ​What is Polyethylene?(Post)

    Polyethylene is a thermoplastic polymer with a changeable crystalline structure and, depending on the kind, a wide variety of uses. With tens of millions of tons manufactured each year, it is one ...